Upcoming Webinar:
What’s Happening with Mental Health Benefits: How the traditional system is failing employees & what can be done to create better outcomes.
May 18, 2023
Join the Carolinas Chapter for a webinar "What’s Happening with Mental Health Benefits" on Thursday, May 18th at 1:00 pm ET.
With May being Mental Health Awareness month, during this session we will discuss how the traditional mental healthcare system is failing employees. Learn about the features of various EAP’s, understand what the outcomes of a good mental health program looks like and discover ways to choose a program that will work for your employee population. Speaker:
Dr. Kerry Symon, Psy.D., Director of Clinical Partnerships, Spring Health Dr. Symon has a Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology from the Wright Institute. They are staunchly devoted to safeguarding and lifting the most disenfranchised peoples. They have 20+ years in both for and non-profit sectors implementing and overseeing evidenced-based programs as well as administrative and clinical operations for large Employee Assistance Programs. This program qualifies for 1 CEBS compliance credit. Visit www.cebs.org/compliance for more information. |
DATE: Thursday, May 18, 2023 TIME: 9:00 - 10:00 AM Eastern COST: FREE REGISTRATION: Please click here to register via Zoom. The webinar link will be emailedafter registration. QUESTIONS: Scott MacDonald, CEBS |